
The Silversun Pickups made me drift off of the road at least twice today. I would get excited about a song and completely forget that I was driving a car. Their sonorous sounds and muffled mouths will entrace you if you don't watch out. Carnavas, the band's first full length album, was released in the summer of 2006 and they have toured with one of my favorites, Wolfmother as well as the lovable and aerobic OK GO.
SSPU remind me of a disbanded troupe called The Anniversary, who played moog-heavy pop rock that could melt you in an instant. It is music like this that makes me think of crisp autumn days, a loved one reaching for your hand, a smile from a stranger. Less and less music does that these days and when a band like SSPU comes around it's best to get the most that you can out of it before it fades away like The Anniversary did.
My favorite tracks on Carnavas are "Lazy Eye", "Little Lover's So Polite" and "Melatonin"
Listen if you like: My Bloody Valentine, Jupiter-era Cave In and Sunny Day Real Estate
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