Supernova Recap
Okay, so the kick off show tonight proved that the contestants can actually sing. Up until now there have been some questionable folks trudging around the stage but we are getting to the point where when someone hits the bottom 3, they are capable of giving themselves a good shot at saving themselves based on ability. The tradegy in this is that the guys in Supernova don't have a clue what they want in a lead singer. Week after week I see Tommy and his band of idiots haphazardly voting people off who aren't the worst singer on kick off night. How else would you explain that Spanish gal sticking around so long?Jill ruined Simple Minds forever the other night, but showed her talents amply with a Heart cover tonight proving that she can sing. But is she capable of being in the band Supernova (sidenote: irony is naming your band Super mixed with Spanish for No Go.)? I doubt it heavily. Dana (my southern belle) tried to rock out to The Who the other night, but as usual looked like she was acting instead of emoting a rock ethos. Tonight she took her Treble Clef tattoo out on stage to sing House of the Rising Sun and just looked defeated during the whole song, even though she can easily sing the song capably enough. Patrice got to play with Tommy Lee the week which only served to hurt her in the long run since they appeared to have zero chemistry together. I will give her points for resurrecting a Jeff Buckley tune tonight to save herself, but she didn't do the song any justice. Up until now I didn't mind her performances, especially with the other female talent still standing, but tonight she just came off a bit like she might be a dyke. I mean that not in a derogatory way towards homosexuals, but more in the vein that she doesn't exude any sexual vibes towards her potential employers. And if you have been watching this year, the boys love to ogle the potentials each week leering and making overt comments at their expense. Navarro calls no less than 5 contestants of the female persuasion "baby" every week. So if you have a vagina, use it to win this contest!
Oh, yeah. So Dana the little girl from Augusta, GA got the boot. And rightly so. Too young, too country and too inexperienced.
A few weeks back Jared predicted that this show would get cancelled and be completed on the internet, yet it's still plugging away. I think Jared underestimates just how many people are watching this trainwreck. However, if you were at all paying attention to what other networks are putting out this summer you may have noticed an even worse singing talent contest over on ABC that did suffer the fate that Jared hoped for Supernova. The One got cancelled, and tragically it will not even finish on the internet. If you saw one shred of this mess, you know exactly why it's gone. (Although you probably didn't watch since the ratings were abysmal. I think I heard lowest rated show this summer with 18-34 year olds...their exact target market.) The talent on The One make every contestant on Supernova instantly appear worthy not only of front this sham band but of being instantly granted a 10 record deal.
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