The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
Is it too soon to declare the new The Shins album the best album of 2007? Holy crap. I'm stunned by just how good this long awaited follow up to Chutes to Narrow actually is. James Mercer's voice is soothing on the opening track Sleeping Lessons and immediately you realize that this effort is a million times better than everything else the band has ever done.
Mercer's songwriting gets stronger and he has a control over his voice now; those two things make me smile. His songs fill the void left by Neutral Milk Hotel with their wordiness and eloquence. I've always been a fan, but now I'm like uber-fan. Look at me...I'm gushing incoherently....why? Well, I'm listening to the CD for the third time in a row, and I can't stop.
So let me paraphase New Music Express. "their best yet."
Yep, that about sums it up. Every track stands out.
Listen to Red Rabbits and Girl Sailor if nothing else. Beautiful shit.
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