Big Brother All Stars

Last week I watched the inaugural episode this year and Janelle immediately won a co-Head of Household spot and was already in control. And with Howie, James and Kayser in the house from her season and obviously aligned as a group, I was hooked. Janelle went on to gain the Power of Veto, winning the first two challenges this season and tonight her boy Kasyer took home the HOH for the coming week. Janelle is the most solid female contestant this show has ever had, James is the best liar and manipulator, Kasyer is a chess master and Howie, well Howie is just a loon. I can honestly say that I could care less about any other person on this season, so watching these 4 bowl over the competition and send them all packing will keep me happy all summer long.
However, I've been here before. I thought Kasyer would easily win BB6 and then he got booted early. Upon his notorious vote someone back in the house America return to the house, he had a chance to redeem his early departure and got duped, pissing me off more than I care to admit. (This is a reality show afterall, and getting so upset at it makes me kind of a loser.) James wiggled his way from a bad situation, getting exposed when it was revealed he was aligned with his girlfriend after he already made enemies, and then holding on by a thread for a couple of weeks was pretty cool as far as the action is concerned on this show. But ultimately he was sent packing earlier than he rightly should have been. Howie rode Janelle's fiercely competitive coat tails which annoyed me some, but he made up for it by acting like a complete nutcase, verbally coming on to every chick in the house and then turning on them when he was up against a wall.
Janelle dominated BB6 and did it while being, well hot. Fighting off the hags of the Nerd Herd as Howie called them was Must See TV for a couple of weeks. In the end, she ran out of allies and beat herself by not winning a challenge when she had to. And I've never been more disappointed in 6 years of watching Big Brother when it happened. I even said to myself that I was done watching the show. No one has won that I liked since Dr. Will, who is way toned down this All Star season, and at what point does that start to weigh on you as a viewer?
Moving forward I'm cautiously optimistic that my crew will stay in control and rule the roost, but the thing about Big Brother is that the power shifts weekly and the good people are always targets. Especially this year when the four BB6 cast mates have the numbers. So for now I'll just sit back and watch the BB6 kids have some fun, and stare at Janelle.
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