Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Return of Janelle!

Big Brother All Stars got really interesting tonight...

For weeks Boogie and Dr. Delicious have worked their magic to showmance themselves further in the game, manipulating both Janelle and Erika to turn on their friends. Finally, Janelle showed that she is smarter than people think she is and came to terms with all that has happened to her at the hands of the Evil Doctor. Of course, Erika had to work her a little to make her realize that they are just pawns for Chill Town, but Janelle had to have the balls to vote out her flirting partner Will. And that's exactly what she did. Getting a glimpse into Howie's behavior in the jury house, Will is in for it when he arrives. Howie is still steaming he got sent home as early as he did and beat up Marcellas for a while before getting fresh meat in Chicken George to rip apart this week. Poor Howie, I wanted to like him. I loved him last year, the way he took it to Busto and the Nerd Herd, but the reality is that he is a manchild and it's sad to see him harbor such resentment towards people who are playing a game. At least he will be happy to see his girl Janie is still in the running...

In typical BB fashion, the 3 part monster HOH contest that concluded tonight's episode fell apart much like many of the twists the show has tried to incorporate, c'oup de tat anyone? Boogie decided to model his image after Richard Hatch from Survivor 1 and took himself out of the contest within a minute, spewing the fact that both would be idiots not to take him to the final two for voting purposes. I'm not certain how he came to this conclussion, but it's a pretty bold move to pull right after your one and only ally was tossed out and your showmance has been exposed as a fraud. Then while on the final commercial break, Janelle allegedly took her hand off the key she was required to hold and was disqaulified, thus ending Round 1 of the HOH competition. Huh? I think the producers expected this round to go on overnight, or at least a few hours. Instead, it was over before it really even began, the entire contest taking place while we at home are on a commercial break. Ah, live TV...

With a week to go, Janelle and Erika have made a pact to take each other to the finals (something Boogie doesn't know) and it appears as though one of the ladies will get HOH and make the selection. Are the stars lining up for my Janelle? Did she wake up in time to undo all the mistakes she has made in the game? Is she really this much better than the other players? The girl took the last few weeks off from coniving and back stabbing and let Will call the shots and still dominated the competitions. Ladies and Gentleman, if Janelle doesn't win this thing...well, let's not think like that. Go Janie!


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