Monday, January 01, 2007


Over the past 30 days I have amassed a small library to work through, and so prepare yourself for many book reviews in the coming weeks. Television gets all quiet this time of year and we start to get bombarded with those reality shows not quite strong enough for the start of the television season, so I should have time to read. I'm not saying I won't watch Beauty and the Geek (again), I'm just saying that when nothing's on I will have a book in my hand.

Mortified is a very clever idea for a book. Solicit people to hand over embarassing waxings from teenage journals and diaries and publish them as is with some commentary by the now grown up author. It's chock full of teenage angst and sexual frustrations of the unloved...and will bring you to tears laughing at least once. My favorite entry has to be by the girl who wrote this soft porn featuring her 13 year old self and the entire band Duran Duran. But the kid exchanging letters with his parents from summer camp is a keeper as well.

It's a quick read, you can do it in small 4 or 5 page chunks, and it's funny. That's all.


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