Monday, August 14, 2006

The Lake House


Yeah, I went to see this crap at the $2.50 movie house down the road and I can't even blame the old lady for dragging me. It was my idea, and a bad one at that. Speed has always held a special place in my heart, so much so that I adorned my college bedroom with a 10 foot subway size poster of the action classic. Keanu Reeves is loathed by many, but I don't think he's that bad of an actor. And, I've always had a secret crush on Mrs. Jesse James aka Sandra Bullock. But this movie was a preposterous mess.

Fifteen minutes in I was completely lost and riddled with questions. I was very hungry so maybe I was distracted? Whatever the case, I thought the story line was really, really annoying. Some guy and some chick commmunicate to each other via a mailbox at a lake house...and they are two years apart in time!!! The execution of this concept is silly, the couple who exchange letters often carry on voice over conversations that are ridiculous and if they would write a magic letter asking a quetions, wait for a reply and then write a follow up to the reply in the course of "conversation". If this description is confusing, imagine how I felt watching this horror show.

Even the sentimental love story aspect of this was lost on me. I'm all for a good chick flick where lovers triumph over circumstance, but I wasn't interested in seeing Keanu and Sandra even meet. I was teased into thinking that Keanu was going to perish in a bus accident (inside joke of the filmmaker?) and fully welcomed that spin on this junk. Since I emplore you all to avoid this movie, I'll spoil it. Keanu lives. And he and Sandra eventually get together in the end. Roll credits. Throw up.


At 8:10 PM, Blogger jooliepoison said...

You told me that he dies! Liar. No worries because I wasn't gonna watch it anyway.


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