God Save the Queen

The highly anticipated film "Marie Antoinette" will be in theaters October 20th, and is the third movie for director Sofia Coppola. Kirsten Dunst stars as the nefarious Queen of France who was beheaded by French Revolutionaries in the late 18th century. Antoinette's story is fascinating and Coppola should do wonders with it based on how well she portrayed the characters in Lost in Translation and The Virgin Suicides. The Queen's life is nothing short of crazy: married at 15, various lovers and affairs throughout, a life of excess and elegance, ending in a horrible death.
The colors of this movie are crisp and desaturated. Dunst is almost translucent; her costumes incredible. Vogue has featured the actress on the cover of their September issue, dressed in a gown from the film. Coppola has branded the movie with her rock n' roll edge, scoring the movie with Gang of Four, Aphex Twin, Bow Wow Wow, Adam Ant, The Strokes and other artists that you would not expect for a period piece.
She had $40 million dollars to make this flick. Let's hope Coppolla has spent it well, and reaps the benefits.
Or it's off with her head.
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